Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Week Old Masen James...

This little guy was so alert for a one week old, and just wanted to be a part of what was going on!  After I shot some images of him awake, I wanted to capture his cute little face asleep.  Ha, that took awhile, but I think the images I captured were well worth the wait!

Introducing Masen James...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mama and her Baby...

We are amazed by how many moose are coming down from the high mountains to hang out by our cabin!  Total this year have been six! 

We saw our first two juvenile bull moose on Father's Day weekend.  Then an adult male while my daughter was celebrating her 17th birthday with friends.  Following that we saw this Mama and her baby, and then on August 11th, the young female posted below.

Wow... what a summer!!!

Our Unexpected Visitor!

While enjoying a weekend with friends at our cabin, we were excited to see a young female moose come for a visit.  At first she wanted to eat my newly planted Aspen trees, so my husband turned on the sprinkler to distract her. 

Much to our surprise she was pretty thirsty, and spent the next 10 minutes drinking from our sprinkler.  What a great way to start off our weekend!