Monday, December 3, 2012

"That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up..." - Walt Disney

Oh my goodness... What beautiful, spirited children!!!  These two were totally precious and I had so much fun running after them taking these pictures.  Little Grace was what I thought of as the "cruise director."  She was so excited (as you can tell by her beautiful smile) and wanted to help me find the perfect place to take the pictures; and little Bobby, well he was the sweetest big brother to his little sister!  He wanted to keep her spirit at bay, but couldn't help being drawn into the giggles and laughter.  I didn't mind, and thought their sweet personalities were captured in the last Fall pictures of 2012.  Thank you Grace and Bobby.  It was a fun afternoon!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

"LIKE" my Fan Page Please!

To follow me on Facebook and for on going promotionals, please "LIKE" my fan page by going to

Schedule a photo shoot with me, and recieve 50% off your sitting fee through December 1st 2012.

Your business is greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Northridge 5A Semi Finals!

What a great fall season these girls had! They came together as a team, and made it to the 5A semi finals. Top 4 is an awesome place to finish in the states!  So very proud of them all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Sometimes we just get lucky! It's one thing to see moose, it's another thing to capture them in such an intimate moment...

I woke up at our cabin to find Mama and her baby outside of our window, so I quickly grabbed my camera with hopes of capturing some pictures. I was thrilled when they stayed, and that baby trusted me enough to nurse while I snapped away...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Week Old Masen James...

This little guy was so alert for a one week old, and just wanted to be a part of what was going on!  After I shot some images of him awake, I wanted to capture his cute little face asleep.  Ha, that took awhile, but I think the images I captured were well worth the wait!

Introducing Masen James...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mama and her Baby...

We are amazed by how many moose are coming down from the high mountains to hang out by our cabin!  Total this year have been six! 

We saw our first two juvenile bull moose on Father's Day weekend.  Then an adult male while my daughter was celebrating her 17th birthday with friends.  Following that we saw this Mama and her baby, and then on August 11th, the young female posted below.

Wow... what a summer!!!

Our Unexpected Visitor!

While enjoying a weekend with friends at our cabin, we were excited to see a young female moose come for a visit.  At first she wanted to eat my newly planted Aspen trees, so my husband turned on the sprinkler to distract her. 

Much to our surprise she was pretty thirsty, and spent the next 10 minutes drinking from our sprinkler.  What a great way to start off our weekend!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

LINDSAY - Hair Stylist, Marinello Beauty Schools

Meet Lindsay!  She's the stylist for the Wella Trend International "ROXY" look posted below. 

I've known Lindsay for years, and I'm amazed by, and thrilled to watch her unique eye for style develop.  She's a hard worker, and so committed to what's happening in the world of hair and fashion.  I know she has an amazing future ahead of her as she ventures deeper into her career!

Wella Trend International 2012

This is the 2nd year I had the opportunity to photograph a model for the Wella Trend International Competition.  It's pretty exciting to have a model show up when you have no idea what her actual look will be outside of a brief discription. 

This year's model Sam, was more sassy than last year's model who was soft and pastel.  She really felt comfortable infront of the camera, and was so easy to work with.  The catagory for her look was "ROXY" and I think she nailed it!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Enjoy the little things, for someday you may look back and discover they were the big things...

Remember when the most important thing in your child's day was to be watched... "Watch me, Watch me!" 

On this day, I had so much fun watching this sweet child run through the grass giggling every step of the way.  "Watch me, Watch me, Aunt Kathie!"

In a blink of an eye, running through the grass may not be so important, so I watched, and I smiled, and I tried to capture this brief moment in time...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

NGA Mountain States Body Building, Figure and Bikini Championships

Talk about a level of commitment!  These men and woman put in countless hours each week to push their bodies to a place many of us can’t even imagine.  I think their hard work shows in just a few, of the thousands of images took that evening.  Congratulations to all the “natural” NGA Body Building, Figure and Bikini competitors.  You were absolutely awesome to work with!

"James Bond" Prom with St. Joseph's High School...

Thank you St. Joseph’s!  If I could, I would have posted all the pictures! The kids were so much fun to work with, and I loved the request to work with an architectural background for your JAMES BOND theme. It was a great shoot, and I’m sure the Prom was “A Blast!”

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Elizabeth is soft and pretty, but from what her mom tells me, she's driven, focused and determined!  Good Luck in college Elizabeth... something tells me great things are ahead for you!